Casey Anthony grew up with her parents, George and Cindy, and her brother, Lee, in Orlando, Florida. Throughout her teens she was described as a ‘wild child’ and partied frequently.

On the 9th August 2005 when Casey was 19, she gave birth to her daughter, Caylee Anthony. Prior to her daughter’s birth, Casey had considered putting her daughter up for adoption, but Cindy advised against it and assured Casey that she would help raise her daughter. Caylee was described as having a bubbly personality and was a happy child.


Following an argument between Casey and her parents in June 2008, Casey left the family home with Caylee and that was the last time anyone other than Casey saw Caylee alive. George and Cindy called Casey often as they missed their granddaughter and wanted to speak to her, but Casey would make excuses every time with the most common being that Caylee was with her nanny, Zanny.

31 days after Casey had left, her parents received a letter stating that Casey’s car was in a tow yard and that they needed to collect it. So, George went to collect the car and was shocked to find Casey’s purse and Caylee’s car seat and toys still in the car. He also noticed an atrocious smell coming from the boot of the car which he said resembled the smell of a decomposing body, however only bags of rubbish were found in the boot.

Casey had been staying in Orlando the whole time with her boyfriend, Tony. Cindy drove to Tony’s house to get Casey and bring her home, she interrogated Casey about where Caylee was – Casey’s only response was that she was with her nanny. Cindy demanded Casey to drive her to Caylee’s nanny’s home so that she could see her. Casey drove around in circles before breaking down and admitting that the nanny had taken Caylee who had been missing for 31 days. Cindy called 911 immediately and Casey claims she did not contact authorities beforehand as she did not want to attract media attention to Caylee for her own safety. This seems suspicious as during those 31 days, Casey was found to be partying a lot – there were no signs that she had been searching for her missing daughter.

On the 16th July 2008, Casey was arrested for child neglect and was found to have told multiple lies during the course of this investigation. The first was that she worked at Universal Studios in Orlando – the police asked Casey to show them her office and once they were at Universal Studios, Casey kept walking around aimlessly before admitting that she had been fired years before. Secondly, Casey had no contact information for Caylee’s nanny and it was later found that the nanny did not exist.

A few months later on the 11th December 2008, Ray Cronk (a meter-reader) had been assigned an area of a forest near the Anthony household. He saw a black plastic bag in a ditch and hit the bag with his meter stick which caused a human skull to fall out of the bag. This body was later confirmed to be Caylee Anthony. However, the cause of death was never confirmed as it was near-enough impossible.

It was found on Casey’s computer that she had made google searches of ‘full proof suffocation’ and had clicked on an article that spoke about sticking a bag of poison of someone’s head, which is how the body of Caylee was found.

The trial & verdict:


On the 9th May 2011, the jury found Casey Anthony to be not guilty of; first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated murder of a child. She was, however, found guilty of four different accounts of lying to the authorities and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.


George believes that Casey knows exactly what happened to Caylee, and if she did not murder her daughter then she knows who did.

Casey still claims she has no idea what happened to Caylee and refuses to take responsibility.

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